Management systems
Salamander adopts a rigorous, top down approach to Corporate Responsibility.
During 2011 we completed a restructuring of the organisational structure. In 2012 the focus moved on to strengthening various functions within the management and operating units. This process saw 3 new people promoted to the Senior Management Team and a number of new recruits bolstering our capabilities in the legal, company secretarial, corporate affairs, community relations and health and safety departments.
Group Organisational Structure
The Senior Management Team meets quarterly to discuss management level issues and Health, Safety and Environment are always key agenda items. The Group HSE Adviser reports directly to the Group COO and each of our operated assets has a dedicated HSE and CSR team to monitor activity and ensure Group guidelines are being followed.
The CSR Steering Committee was restructured during 2012 to improve the delivery of community relations programmes. It is still chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, and meets bi-annually to discuss the investment in community based projects. The committee monitors project performance against agreed objectives. CSR Committees are also convened in the countries where we operate and report to the Group Steering Committee.
The Group completes a stakeholder mapping exercise on entering a new licence. The results of this are used by our local community development officers to determine with whom to engage. The engagement programme will typically include local recruitment, communication of the Group’s planned activity, meeting local officials and conducting town hall style meetings. This process helps to identify community development projects that meet the needs of stakeholders. During 2012 we also completed our first perception analysis among local communities, conducted in the coastal communities close to where we operate in the Gulf of Thailand. We plan to repeat this activity at regular intervals so that we can monitor and respond to local stakeholder perceptions of the Company.
During 2012 further policies and procedures in support of the Group’s anti-bribery and corruption programme were developed and implemented. The Group also instigated the first series of compliance audits of processes already in place. These, together with the annual anti-bribery and corruption risk assessment carried out towards the end of the year, enabled the Group to gain a comprehensive understanding of the corruption risks facing the business and the robustness of its processes.
The Company has embedded whistle-blowing procedures that permit employees and contractors to report any concerns they may have in confidence to senior management or, if desired, to an external whistle-blowing service.