The board places great emphasis on sound corporate governance and is fully compliant with the recommendations of best practice for the governance of public companies as set out in The UK Corporate Governance Code.
The company sets out the framework and principles necessary to ensure appropriate corporate governance and internal controls in its Corporate Governance & Control Policy and Procedures document. These controls are applied across the group.
The purpose of the Governance and Control Policy and Procedures are to ensure:
- that appropriate management and reporting systems are established to ensure that the board, the executives and the senior management are appropriately advised of the activities of the group and thereby able to govern the company with complete information; and
- that appropriate and proper internal controls are implemented throughout the group to safeguard the group's assets.
The board has established an audit committee, a remuneration committee and a nomination committee.
The Board acknowledges the importance of diversity in building an effective Board and has established a formal diversity policy which will be applied throughout the business. The full diversity policy can be found here.